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"Lady In The Water" - James Newton-Howard

Lady In The Water

Composer: James Newton-Howard

Release date: July 18, 2006

Amazon page.

Amazon users rating: 4,5/5 stars.


All About Soundtracks Review:
James Newton-Howard usual collaboration with M. Night Shyamalan brought to film music another piece of excelence.
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From start to finish, Lady in The Water is solid and very enjoyable, creating an athmosphere that matches the one of the movie: mistery, fantasy and a sense of constant flowing movement - pretty much life water itself. Combinig soft piano, flowing strings and light choir, Howard creats a waterish, amazing athmosphere.
He estabilishes some themes that are not immediatly recognizable, but once they're recognized, they engage the listener completely. These themes, as usual from Howard, are extremely and addictively emotional. A great example of this huge yet simple emotion in Howards notes is in the woodwind sequence in Ripples In The Pool.
With the themes and the refered instrumentation, Howard creates an athmosphere of magical, ethereal beauty, that is most evident in the tracks Prologue, Charades, Cereal Boxes, The Healing.
Then, there's The Great Eatlon: the climatic cue. Majestic renditions of the themes, with full orchestra and choir, plus great action writing. Powerful track.
End Titles is a great cue to finish the score, with a beautiful piano sequence.
This score will surely touch your heart and the themes, once recognized, will stay within your head. A very solid and impressive work from Howard.
Despite some moments of minor key musical mumbling and the four songs (happily placed at the end of the score portion of the album), this score is a must-listen.

Ups: impressive and solid, this score was evidently felt rather than merely composed.

: too much minor key portions.

Noteworthy tracks: Prologue, Charades, Ripples In The Pool, The Blue World, Cereal Boxes, The Healing, The Great Eatlon, End Titles.

Score note: 9/10

Track 3, Charades

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